发布日期:2024-08-15 22:53    点击次数:164



The world of competitive gaming, or esports, has been expanding rapidly over the past few years, attracting players and viewers from all corners of the globe. And now, it seems like even animals are getting in on the action. Meet Rajang, a western lowland gorilla residing at the Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre in Dorset, England. Rajang has taken the esports world by storm as he enjoys playing games on his special tablet.

How it started

Rajang's love for gaming started when Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre staff introduced him to a tablet equipped with games designed for primates. The tablet contains a variety of games that allow Rajang to interact and engage with digital content using his finger. The games include puzzles, memory tests, and even a drawing app that allows him to create digital artwork.

Rajang’s gaming skills

Rajang has shown extraordinary gaming skills, with the ability to complete complex puzzles and memory tests within seconds. He also has his own gaming preferences, with some games being his favourites and others not holding his interest for too long. He has been observed playing games on his tablet for hours, with staff at the centre noting that it helps keep him entertained and mentally stimulated.

The impact of Rajang’s gaming skills

Rajang's gaming skills have gained him international attention, with esports enthusiasts finding the gorilla's love for gaming fascinating. Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre staff has reported receiving requests from esports teams to sponsor Rajang and invite him to compete in international gaming events. Some animal rights activists, however, have expressed concerns about the negative impact on Rajang's welfare if he is put through the stress of competitive gaming events.

The ethical debate

The idea of an animal competing in esports raises ethical questions about animal welfare and exploitation. Some argue that if the animals can be trained to play the games willingly, then there should be no issue. Others believe that by involving a wild animal in a human activity for entertainment purposes, we are disregarding their natural behaviour and exploiting them for our amusement. It is a debate that is far from resolved and requires careful consideration and discussion.

In conclusion

While Rajang's gaming skills have caught the attention of the esports industry, it is essential to remember that he is still a wild animal who needs to be treated with respect and care. Whether Rajang should be involved in competitive gaming events is still up for debate, and each individual must weigh the potential benefits and risks to the gorilla's welfare. Meanwhile, we can all marvel at Rajang's love and skill for gaming and hope that his story will encourage the world to take a closer look at animal welfare and ethical considerations surrounding the use of animals in entertainment.


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